Séjour Linguistique – Martina S.

Avec ces quelques lignes je tiens à vous confirmer notre parfaite satisfaction suite au séjour d’études de mon fils à Londres. Je vous remercie de vos excellents conseils, l’accompagnement durant toute la mise en place du projet et votre très aimable assistance jusqu’au bout du séjour. Il est revenu très content et motivé de poursuivre…


Internat – Flaminia P.

Paolo came home transformed! This experience allowed him to gain in maturity and confidence. We cannot thank you enough for your advice and guidance in putting him back in the right tracks.


Camp de vacances – Pierre and Laurence L.

Agathe has just come back from her stay in Folkestone. I want to tell you that she was really delighted from her trip and made significant progress in English. She wanted to stay 2 more weeks! Huge thanks to you and the whole team!


Coaching universitaire – Jackie B.

Your guidance, insight, knowledge, and support were invaluable in this college process! I wanted to thank you for all the work, time and effort you put into making sure I ended up at the right place for me – the University of San Francisco. Thank you for getting this organised so quickly and efficiently. I…
