Our solutions University coaching

The aim of university coaching is to help your child select the universities best suited to their profile and to assist them throughout the admission process.

Aurélie Panchaud, a specialist in university coaching, will help you decide on a selection strategy adapted to the profile of your child (country of study, field of study, predicted grades, etc).

University coaching is divided into two stages :

  • Step 1 : Where to study ? Selecting the universities. Developing an appropriate strategy based on the chosen courses. Validating the entry requirements (minimum grades, language exam, etc).
  • Step 2 : How to apply ? Preparing the application. Drawing up an academic schedule. Advice and follow-up at every stage of the process (academic prerequisites, admission tests, letters of recommendation, managing deadlines, etc.). Help and support for writing the personal statement: advice, corrections, providing arguments, etc.

Step 1: CHF 1,050 per country (excl. VAT)

Step 2:

  • Complete application (Essay, CV, letters of recommendation) – 2’100 CHF HT
    (UCAS, Bocconi, Hollande,…)
  • Complete application + interview coaching – 2’400 CHF HT
  • USA applications (up to 5 universities) – 4’200 CHF HT
  • Correction of Personnal Statement only (per essay) – 1’050 CHF HT
  • Administrative application (no CV/personal statement) – 525 CHF HT
  • Master degrees – customised estimate

Adapted quotes are made for multiple applications

We provided them with our support

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