EDUCOM Carol Panchaud Attualità
Ritroverete sul nostro sito tutte le novità sul tema dell'educazione: potrete consultare gli articoli, I filmati e le fotografie pubblicate da EDUCOM.
England: an educational model for your child’s future
England, the historic cradle of modern education, is renowned for its exceptional boarding schools, which attract families from all over the world in search of a rigorous academic education and preparation for the world of tomorrow.
Why go to a business school?
The professional world is constantly changing. Technological transformations and the need to take account of our impact on the environment are urging companies to work differently and to seek out new skills in their employees.
The new top university destination: the Netherlands!
More and more students are turning to the Netherlands for their university studies, whether at Bachelor's or Master's level. And with good reason!
Prepare for university: key dates not to be missed
"Chi va piano va sano e va lontano": if the saying applies to many fields, it's certainly EDUCOM’s advice when preparing your university applications! Even more as the last year of school is filled with demanding courses, exams, and other requirements.
EDUCOM’s free services
Surprisingly, the word ‘free’ can sometimes be frightening. ‘What's the catch?’, ‘Too good to be true?’, ‘If someone asks me for my bank details, it's definitely a scam!’
Gap year: good or bad idea?
Who hasn't dreamt of having some time off to explore the world, perfect or learn another language, refine their study choices or take part in a humanitarian trip?
How to find the right Summer Camp for your child?
You are looking for a Summer Camp for your child? In a safe, caring, qualitative environment? Where they will be able to play sports, learn and grow?
The benefits of summer camps
At EDUCOM, we're convinced that going to a summer camp holds many advantages beyond the simple fact of learning a language. Professional deviation, you might say! In this article, we'd like to outline the various benefits of an experience abroad, which can be gained even during the shortest stays.
The vocational guidance assessment: a process and a support tool
"Know thyself", said Plato. An expression that conveys the importance of knowing oneself to flourish in life. The aim of a vocational guidance is to give students a better understanding of themselves so that they can choose their path and determine a plan for their future.