Summer Camps
EDUCOM’s free services
These are probably the thoughts that go through your mind when you hear that EDUCOM’s services are free. This is where you are wrong! All our recommendations, counselling and assistance for boarding schools and summer camps are free of charge. Far from being a scam, this is simply our business model. In this article, we…
Leggi tuttoHow to find the right Summer Camp for your child?
Naturally, you went surfing on the Internet to find solutions and now feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of offers out there… Not surprising! The Internet is overflowing with offers of all kinds, varying in theme, destination, price, and quality! So how can you be sure you’re making the right choice? The first question to…
Leggi tuttoThe benefits of summer camps
Going on a summer camp means stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. This experience, which sometimes frightens parents as much as children, allows them to grow and discover the world in their own way. This encourages the child’s personal development and helps them to gain essential life skills. Plunged into a…
Leggi tuttoGiornata di Consulenza per Soggiorni Linguistici Parigi
Sabato 1° febbraio 2025 dalle 10:00 alle 17:00.Salons de l’Aéroclub de France6, rue Galilée75116 Paris Aggiungere l’evento al vostro Calendrier Google o Calendrier Outlook Disporrete di un incontro individuale con Carol Panchaud ed il suo team. I Direttori dei centri estivi risponderanno a tutte le vostre domande. Venite a scoprire la miriade di programmi per…
Leggi tuttoGiornata di Consulenza per Soggiorni Linguistici Ginevra
Martedì 4 febbraio 2025 dalle 9h alle 15h30 Hôtel Beau Rivage13. quai du Mont-Blanc1201 Genève Aggiungere l’evento al vostro Calendrier Google o Calendrier Outlook Disporrete di un incontro individuale con Carol Panchaud ed il suo team. I Direttori dei centri estivi risponderanno a tutte le vostre domande. Venite a scoprire la miriade di programmi per…
Leggi tuttoGiornata di Consulenza per Soggiorni Linguistici Milano
Giovedì 6 febbraio 2025 dalle 9h alle 15h30 Centro SvizzeroVia Palestro, 220121 Milan Aggiungere l’evento al vostro Calendrier Google o Calendrier Outlook Disporrete di un incontro individuale con Carol Panchaud ed il suo team. I Direttori dei centri estivi risponderanno a tutte le vostre domande. Venite a scoprire la miriade di programmi per ragazzo/ragazza, dai…
Leggi tuttoGiornata di Consulenza per Soggiorni Linguistici Roma
Sabato 8 febbraio 2025 dalle 10h alle 17h Parco dei PrincipiVia G. Frescobaldi, 500198 Rome Aggiungere l’evento al vostro Calendrier Google o Calendrier Outlook Disporrete di un incontro individuale con Carol Panchaud ed il suo team. I Direttori dei centri estivi risponderanno a tutte le vostre domande. Venite a scoprire la miriade di programmi per…
Leggi tuttoA language camp is far more than just a linguistic experience: it’s preparing your children for tomorrow’s challenges !
Your child can learn a new language several ways. Fortunately, as there are many ways for him to progress outside the school premises. Here are some alternatives: leaving for a short or long-term boarding school experience, taking language courses, during a gap year, by traveling, with extra-curriculars, by using multimedia content. In this article, we…
Leggi tuttoEnglish, your child and EDUCOM : bespoke adventures for every child
In 2022, English is the most spoken language in the world, slightly in front of Mandarin. More than a Billion people know the language, as their mother tongue or not. Like its user, the diversity of its teaching methods is impressive. At EDUCOM, we are conscious of the number of options that are available, and…
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