Our solutions Gap years
EDUCOM's services and recommendations are free. They are designed to help you plan your child's gap year constructively and efficiently to prepare them as best as possible for the rest of their educational career.
There are many advantages to a gap year: students gain in maturity, improve their English so they can study abroad, refine their choice of studies, discover the professional world, or take part in a humanitarian project.
Here are some ideas for filling a gap year constructively :
- Language courses : going abroad on a study holiday helps a student perfect their knowledge of a language and / or take a certificate. In fact, students sometimes need to have a certain language level to be admitted to university courses abroad. It is also possible to learn several languages in combination! Depending on the student’s level and goals, it will be necessary to validate the number of weeks of lessons needed to undertake their project. Some destinations also offer the opportunity to combine language courses followed by an internship in a company (work and study).
- Foundation years : a foundation year is a year of preparatory study (year 0) for students to acquire the basics in a chosen field. It is also a way to explore several different subjects when a student is still unsure about two career paths. In addition to the academic classes, the student is given English lessons and study skills to help them at university. For students interested in artistic career paths, the foundation year is often a prerequisite for developing the portfolio required for a bachelor's degree.
- Combine 2 programmes, an accelerated foundation and a language course : there are “accelerated” foundations that last 6 months. This means that a student can occupy the rest of their year studying a language (or on another project).
- Humanitarian projects : undertaking a mission of general interest in a non-profit organisation. The humanitarian project combines very well with the language course.
We provided them with our support
Je tenais à vous remercier pour tout votre travail et vos conseils. Tristan part dans deux semaines pour une année enrichissante et bénéfique pour son futur. Nous en sommes très reconnaissant !! Et lui aussi. Merci pour tout.
Je tenais à vous remercie pour tout le travail effectué pour Sacha. J’ai retrouvé la motivation et l’envie que je lui connaissais auparavant. Vous avez été un point incontournable dans le nouveau cap qu’il entreprend. La perspective de cette Foundation, les futures portes qui s’ouvrent à lui… c’est inestimable. Et grâce à vous. Je vous en remercie.
Je viens d’arriver à Oxford, la ville est superbe.
Un rapide message pour vous remercier de m’avoir aidé à planifier mon année. Sans vous, je serais encore à la maison… Quelle chance de vous avoir à mes côtés et merci pour tous vos conseils.
Je vous donnerai des nouvelles depuis Berlin !
Ma fille est bien installée à Toronto et ses cours ont commencé depuis quelques jours. Elle est enchantée !
Je tenais à vous remercier pour votre écoute et et professionnalisme tout au long de ces mois de préparation. Amélie s’apprête à passer une année inoubliable !